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What’s in a Brand?
The word brand originates as far back as to the Old Norse word referring to a piece of burning wood. Eventually, this came to mean marking something, such as livestock, with a piece of hot iron. In the 17th century, it was a catchall for any mark of ownership, identifying goods as belonging to a particular craftsman or company.
Then, in 1875, the Trade Marks Registration Act passed into law, and branding became a legal form of corporate property identification. But the practice of branding continued to shift over the years...
Back in the mid-20th century, brands had evolved as businesses sought ways to differentiate themselves and their products and services from their competitors in more ways than mere quality.
Brands were created to give the whole organization a unified identity, a story and personality that connected with customers and audiences on a more emotional level, providing a sense of inherent value that made it worth more than other products on the market.
Brands also began to reflect a company’s core values, and evolved to become less informative—what a business makes or sells—and more experiential—what the business does and how its products and services positively impact people’s lives and the whole world!
Nowadays, brand management (i.e. marketing) is an essential part of any business that wants to experience market growth, reach new customers, develop higher customer loyalty, and bring a human element to otherwise faceless corporate messaging.
And in this digital age, where social media lets brands have direct conversations with consumers and search engines let people be hyper-specific in their commercial choices, implementing a cohesive, globalized brand is all the more important.
Because consumers are increasingly brand-conscious, giving serious thought about the companies they want to associate with based on their highly individualized lifestyles, morals, and simple personal preferences. A brand can be built over decades, but lost to a negative reputation in one bad day online.
A company’s digital brand footprint is what gets it to the top of the search engine rankings. It’s what gets them noticed in their communities, and builds a foundation of trust that engenders long-term customer loyalty and word-of-mouth growth and sales.
Brands and the stories behind them have become one of the greatest influencing forces in the modern day, able to affect massive social change, develop community, and foster healthier lives.
What’s your brand story? How will it leave its mark on the world?
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