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SMI Amman – Jordan is a limited liability company that was established in 1977 with a registered capital of 4 Million Jordanian Dinars.
The company was the first in Jordan to produce and introduce liquid detergents, shampoos, cleaners and antiseptics to the market. Ever since they were introduced into the market, our products gained success and won the consumers’ confidence.
Our product range consists of a wide variety of household, institutional cleaners and personal care products.
SMI is a manufacturer and distributor committed to enhancing its strong leadership position in the industry through substantial investment of time and resources.
SMI’s Research and Development team is always on the lookout for new developments in the world of detergents and cosmetics while keeping an eye on the environment we live in. This is implemented through the choice of biodegradable and environmental friendly raw materials. Our quality assurance program ensures that the standard quality of our product is maintained through the use of the finest raw materials.
We have greatly expanded physical production capabilities and made advancements in our I.T. capabilities, teaming up with aggressive marketing programs that reinforce SMI’s ultimate goal to lead the industry as one who not only listens and responds to current customer needs, but anticipates and formulates Environment and user friendly products that meet the ever changing needs of our consumers and markets”.
In 2012 SMI was accredited by SGS for the ISO 9001:2008 standard, and was accredited by the JFDA for GMP for cosmetics and personal care products.
We currently export our products to the following countries:
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