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Newsletter solution

Stay in touch with your customers the fast, easy, affordable way! provides easy-to-use, instant services to efficiently communicate with your clients, employees, branches...and more. 
We offer a full range of email marketing services options, in several languages including English and Arabic, to achieve your marketing objectives.

Our unique communication management tool helps you reach your target audience and maximize the benefits of your marketing tools.

Why ?

- We know that your time is limited and precious. 
- We offer various packages to match your needs. 
- We know that technical skills are not always available in companies. 
- We know that you need to access your account from anywhere, anytime. 
- We know that your contact list is growing and needs to be managed.

What we do for you:

- Enable you to easily set up and manage your email lists. 
- Allow you to easily import and export email lists. 
- Automatic unsubscribe handling.
- Double opt-in/opt-out feature. 
- Empower you to easily create a state-of-the-art newsletter using our HTML editor tool. 
- Provide you with access to Real-Time Tracking System.  - Allow you to Clean bounce emails in your mailing list.
- Instantly enable your recipients to accept or decline your offer to receive emails.

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